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​s p u r

-wedding flower-

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​About us




s p u rはTHE FUJIYA GOHONJIN専属のフローリストとしてWEDDINGに特化したフローリストです

Weddingに特化しTHE FUJIYA GOHONJINのオープンより携わらせていただいております









s p u rでは担当させていただくパーティーに同じお花の構成はありません

s p u rだからできる花合わせで唯一無二のコーディネートを演出いたします






そのコミュケーション・伝達もs p u rの得意分野の一つです


Profile movieではパーティー装飾シーンをご覧いただけます






"Creating a space that conveys wonderfulness"

The fact that I am able to be here now is a miracle that was born out of meeting people.I want to help create a space full of happiness and the best smiles that connect with people as if to express gratitude.

s p u r is a florist specializing in WEDDING as THE FUJIYA GOHONJIN exclusive florist.

We specialize in weddings and have been involved with THE FUJIYA GOHONJIN since its opening.We are good at creating trendy and stylish spaces, knowing the season and how light enters the venue.

Total coordination for party scenes such as individuality, atmosphere, dress line, hair makeup, etc.Overseas experience, food space coordinator qualification,A florist with styling qualifications will discuss the image of the entire space.Production by winners of the national flower competition is the reason why we can follow trends and fashion.

While there are many flowers that are not yet known in the world, there are countless combinations of these flowers.At s p u r, there is no same arrangement of flowers for the party we are in charge of.We will produce a one-of-a-kind coordination with flower matching that can only be done at s p u r.We will create an original party that suits your preferences, not just imitating some image.

Please tell us about your concept.・What kind of dress is it?・Do you have a color image・I'm sure that the anxiety before the meeting will disappear after the meeting and you will be smiling.Communication and transmission is also one of the strengths of s p u r

We will bring excitement to your party scene while maximizing the possibilities of flowers.You can see the party decoration scene in the Profile movie.We are also updating Instagram from time to time, so please take a look and expand your image.

Be prepared for a flower arrangement

The collected images are full of the two's tastes.

I hope I can meet you both.

We are looking forward to seeing you!



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